Co-Op Pick up Groups
All of our co-op group members are active participants in our “food community.” Each co-op member needs to work willingly with their host to make sure all the farm pick-up dates are filled and to ensure member shares get from the farm to their pick-up site on time. Some members’ schedules might be more flexible than others, so they generously offer to visit the farm additional times during the season for the produce pickup.
Benefits of picking up the group’s shares are the chance to pick-your-own (PYO) blackberries and cut your own bouquet of flowers, or purchase some of the natural farm products we offer for sale but are unable to ship to co-op sites (due to food safety issues). These local products include beef and fresh caught/flash-frozen salmon. (Members might want to bring a cooler to take frozen products home safely.) We also have many other products such as honey, fruit butters, apple sauces and additional produce for purchase.
If it becomes challenging for the group to fill each pick-up date, members might opt to pool some funds and hire someone to pick up the group’s shares at the farm that week. Sometimes it is necessary to get creative and think “outside the box.”
How many times will I be asked to pick up at the farm as a member of a co-op site?
The number of pickups you will be asked to make at the farm depends on the size of the group. If your group has 11 members, each one will be asked to pick up the group’s shares at the farm and deliver them to your location twice during the 22-week CSA season.
If your group has 15 members, most members will only have to pick up at the farm once. Some members will make the trip twice. All share members are expected to make at least one trip per season. It is up to the group to decide who might come once and who might do the group pick-up twice.
Please note that whoever is picking up the group’s shares and delivering them to the pick-up site will need to have access to a vehicle that can hold the number of shares being picked up that week!
May I harvest some crops for myself?
Although your share will be pre-harvested, you can always add to your share when Pick-Your-Own crops are available for harvest. Items available for PYO vary and will be announced in your weekly email updates. We usually have a lovely flower garden planted. These flowers are included in the price of your share. Be sure to cut a fresh bouquet each week. PYO blackberries will be available at a special membership price.